Tag Archives: Writer’s Strike

Writer’s Strike Ends and Touring with Salvador

Good news everyone, the writer’s strike that was affecting this blog has been called off as both parties have resolved whatever petty differences they once had. Now, it our pleasure to bring you, without further ado…gabe’s rantings, and meaningless drivel…brought to you by the maker’s of ‘axe body spray’… ‘axe’, it smells like crap, but guys still buy it because of our marketing campaign. ‘axe body spray’…ha, ha, we got you, suckers!


(just spray this stuff on guys…same thing)

Hello, dear readers. The world is a much different place when we last had a conversation. Allow me to recap: Your fearless and deeply flawed heroes had wrapped up a tour of the northeast…highlights included performing for amazing people in New Hampshire, Maine, Delaware, New York, New Jersey and Indiana, eating pizza in times square, and writing new circleslide tunes.

Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts and other varieties of coffee were consumed by the gallons.

An old van died with 386,000 miles causing our faith to be tested…a new one was miraculously purchased, causing our faith to be bolstered… and, already less than a month old… it already has 5,000 miles.

Circleslide returned to Nashville and began recording with Salvador’s Keyboard player/producer Chris Bevins. A fine, fun time was had by all. The result was three new songs: “Ever going to win”, “Gone”, and “Looking UP”. The songs were recorded at Chris Bevin’s studio and at my house, which I’ve decided to call, “reveal” studios…it’s actually just a room above my garage…but I’m going to insist on telling my wife, “hey, I’m heading up to ‘reveal’…be back in a second”…and wait for her to blow her bangs up and roll her eyes at me. Yay!


Recently, Nic Gonzales, (Salvador) invited me to join his band and his lovely wife, Jaci Valasquez on a couple of shows in Austin and Corpus Christi, Texas. The only thing is that there wouldn’t be room on the bus for the rest of the guys…would I mind opening the show by myself? Hmm. I thought about saying no… It’s a bit terrifying to be up on a stage, alone, when you are so used to having a full-fledged rock band that’s got your back, night after night. Circleslide is a band, after all…and it just felt a bit weird.

However, it might be good for me to be forced to open the show, just me and an acoustic guitar…get back to my roots…the coffee house days…trying to stop the conversations in the back of the room…try to let the baristas hear a lyric …try to get all of us to share a moment together. So I’m doing it. The bus leaves on Thursday…I’m excited, nervous, scared and I might fall off the stage…so, I’ll keep you posted.

In the meantime, thanks for sticking with me as I took a break from blogging. There was no ‘real’ writer’s strike…and yet, there kinda was. Once we got back from the road, my mac died on me. The hard drive just quit. Thankfully, I had backed everything up…and I had Apple Care. But I went without the computer for about a week…and it felt kinda good. But, I’m back…and the hiatus has allowed me to think of some cool ideas for this place…and once, again…I’ll be at the computer…over sharing…and trying to have some kind of dialogue with you…some of the coolest people around.


Filed under Circleslide Update