Monthly Archives: January 2009

Concert At New Life Church in louisville, ky

The drive up was uneventful…and that’s always a good thing.

Soundcheck was long…it normally is when we have such a long layoff between concerts…but it’s a luxury to take our time.


I got to hang out with Paul Parish, one of the coolest guys in the nation, who pretty much was the king of setting up a show…and his wonderful wife, Mitsi…a fellow texan who made some very authentic brisket. so good.

Got to hang out with the YWAM team from Louisville.

Got to meet our new favorite person in the world…the incredible Mavis…who makes THE best food of all time!

We led worship on Sunday Morning…could tell the crowd was unaccustomed to our ‘style’…but they quickly joined in…and it felt very cool.

After that we went to Mavis’ house for food where we played a little Rock Band…some Bon Jovi ‘living on a prayer’…i can’t believe kids only 10 years old can sing every word!

Got to spend time with my wonderful sister Carmel and her very cool husband Kirt Stauffer.

Got to see so many dear friends, it was a bit overwhelming.

Keith and Diana from Artist Garden Management drove up from nashville to spend the day with us. Feels so good to have management, we can’t even begin to describe that…

The show itself was one of my favorites…really.jan09andcslville-052

First show with Lee Yoder, formally from ‘8 days later’. Most of you know that Tyler Oban had been drumming for us for most of ’08. He started off as a ‘hired gun’ but as time passed we began flirting with the idea of him becoming a full fledged member of the band…even took those cool promo shots of us together. We love Tyler and those of you who saw him with us on the road know that he’s a a great guy, a true professional. But towards the end of last year, he let us know he had decided he wanted to pursue some music with a friend of his. As much as that was hard for Eric, Jon, Debbie and I…we know it was the best decision for everyone involved.
The cool thing is that we, as a band, had become friends with Lee in the past few years…cheering him on with his other band…especially Eric and Jon. I’d seen him play a few times, and his style reminded me of another drummer we’d had along the way…the mighty Mark Alvis. Lee’s passion and hard hitting is very reminiscent of good ‘ol Mark. Lee even decided to give my vintage Ludwig kit a try…the one you see in the ‘Gravity’ video.
One could say we all were a bit nervous, this being our first show with someone new behind the kit…but it turned out to be surprisingly good, and amazingly tight.

now it’s time to get back to writing/rehearsing for some sort of new project…tomorrow I’m getting together with Steve Hindalong…should be fun.



Filed under Circleslide Update, Live Show, Music

Radio Interview…you can listen in…

Would you like to hear why I’m a better blogger than I am a live interview giver?

Than log on at 6:50 pm Eastern Standard Time to

and you can hear the interview I gave to Chris at the station…I flub some lines about my sister, mutter something about Louisville being an exotic place! and attempt to bring humour to the harsh financial times we’re all experiencing.

ahhh, good times.

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This is the Circleslide Rehearsal Room. Or at least this is a little night time view of the room. Right now, it is empty.

But earlier it was full of four guys, going over songs again and again taking quick breaks and then going over them again…getting ready to play for a group of people in Louisville, Kentucky. It will be their first of 2009. And earlier they were attempting to add some new flavors, some twists and turns to their show.

One more night of this…and then they will climb into a familiar van, say a prayer, and ride off into the early morning traffic…


Filed under Music, Rehearsal

Entertaining Angels

You never know how long you might have.
We can’t discern how long a friendship may last…or how much time we’ll have to spend with the ones we love…family, spouses.

As the flaming lips sang,

“do you realize…
that everyone you know, someday will die…
and instead of saying all of your goodbyes
let them know you realize that life goes fast
it’s hard to make the good things last…”

Lately, we’ve been covering a song by the Common Children called “Entertaining Angels”

the lyrics are a reflection of a day coming to an end…a desire to make time stand still for a moment in order to appreciate all that is happening around us…especially when we’re made aware of a stirring, an awakening to the grace that’s been given us at any particular minute or second of the day…you never know who you might be spending your time with.

My friend Gabe Wilson and his wife Elisa are moving to Oregon this week. Jon and I helped Gabe load up their belongings and said our goodbyes.

I first met Gabe at a retreat for artists held by Porter’s Call. I’d already admired the guy for his work with the “Rock-n-Roll Worship Circus” and ‘The Listening’…he and I met sometime later for lunch. We talked for about an hour, discussed the possibility of working together on a project, perhaps writing together. When we were leaving Gabe said something I’ll never forget, “hey man, let’s get together again, and it would be great to get to know you without you giving me the ‘press release’ version of your story.”


that stung. but it was so true. I’d spent the hour spinning. editing. trying to impress. trying to be cool.
Here was a guy who saw through the crap, and was offering me a chance to be myself.

As the past couple of years have passed…I got that chance to write with Gabe. He also worked on some demos of new songs. During that time, I was able to be myself. To tell him my story. I remembered what it meant to have real communion, real fellowship with a fellow believer…a fellow pilgrim. To let down my guard every once and a while.

I thought about that as I carried lamps and boxes out of his now empty house into his trailer.

It’s not often that someone sees you being fake, and yet invites into a second chance to be real.

I guess I took it for granted that He and his wonderful wife would always be around here, in nashville…and I let a lot of opportunities for fellowship fall through the cracks.

I hope I can learn to treasure the precious opportunities I have for friendship in the future.

Until then, here’s to a couple of friends and their upcoming new addition to their family. May God’s grace keep you always.

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Filed under Friendship

A Day Of Service

Today, was a good day. We were able to get away to volunteer at the “Feed The Children” warehouse in downtown Nashville and help the youth group from 1st Baptist Church in Hendersonville pack up some boxes full of food.


We were excited to be asked to participate in this ‘Day Of Service’, and I was reminded that these little things, like packing food containers, are done by “Somebody”. I always assume this stuff gets done by ‘Someone’…but I was humbled to see that on a very cold, snowy, grey, otherwise gloomy day…about 100 young people showed up to help prepare boxes of food and other necessities for those in need. Theirs were the hands that prepared the blessing. We were all touched by this humility and desire to serve.


Filed under Circleslide Update

Martin Luther King Video Extravaganza

I was introduced to Martin Luther King Jr. at age 6 or 7 by a talking Robot that played 8-track cassettes…ahhh, the 80’s…what a glorious time, indeed.

Maybe you had to work today…or maybe you’re just chillin’ at home, surfin’ the vast interwebs…either way…be inspired, like I was:

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Filed under Be Inspired, Video

What we’re up to…

Rehearsing. Rehearsing. Rehearsing.
Getting ready for the first concert of ’09 in Louisville, Kentucky.
New Life church…should be fun as there are so many friends there from my YWAM days.

Today we’re going to be helping ‘Feed The Children’ here in Nashville as they participate in President-Elect Obama’s call for today to be a ‘day of service’. I’ll try and get some info on that later on today.

Between writing new material, rehearsing old material, getting gear up and running, repairing old guitars, making sure the van and trailer are still road worthy…deciding on how to tell Debbie we should name our firstborne “Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III”…i’ve barely had any time to even breathe. (Ok, I have snuck in a bit of the NFL playoffs and a Spurs game…but I paid for it later)

But I thought I’d let you in on what I’ve been reading lately:

1776 by David Mccullough

having thoroughly enjoyed “John Adams”, I had to get what is considered that work’s companion. Great read if you love American History as told through the letters and writings of the people who were there.

Watchmen by Alan Moore and David Gibbons

wanted to read this thing before making up my mind about seeing the film. A complete suprise, and revelation…truly original. Not for everybody…a bit controversial. But still, as far as graphic novels go…it’s amazing.

Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton

There was a time, on this journey of faith that I’m on, where I felt that “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis helped me put words to what it was that I believed. I was much younger then. If that book was a drink of water…then this is a sublime glass of wine. Quirky and sometimes a bit messy…I understand why the title is actually “Orthodoxy: The Romance Of Faith” great, great read.

Listening to:

Strong Hand Of Love a tribute to Mark Heard (Various Artists)

Long lost Treasure trove of songs that have made their home in my heart and head. I’m so glad I re-discovered this collection featuring Artists like, The Choir, Vigilantes Of Love, Buddy and Julie Miller, and Rich Mullins covering Mark Heard. As far as songwriters writing about their faith (or lack thereof) there are few braver, more willing to stand naked or better masters of words.

Dreams Of The Color Blind by Harrod & Funck

this Boston based duo were often compared to Simon and Garfunkel and with good reason. This debut album is full of acoustic, stripped down fare…with wonderful harmonies. Produced by Mark Heard. I see a trend here.

Transmission #1 by The Listening

Gabe Wilson and Company retool their sound, and lineup…but the music still delivers. Feels like it was written and recorded somewhere in Europe…dark, mysterious, worshipful, phenomenal. Great EP.


Filed under Books, Circleslide Update, Music

Downhere is a band

If it seems as if we’ve been delinquent with our blogging duties last week, well…we were. Last week began with our annual Centricity Writer’s Retreat, where the various artists and writers within the Centricity Music Family get together to hear from other writers, music supervisors, publishers, etc…and hopefully, become better, more productive song writers. Sandwiched in there was a life-altering Marriage Seminar as well as the Centricity Christmas Party. (yes, it was held in January).

During this time I was reminded of how much I have taken from my fellow label mates without giving much back. Encouragement, Inspiration, Laughter have become so common place whenever I’m around these amazing people that I’ve taken them for granted. I usually only have to offer a funny story, a bit of professional envy or jealousy, or a sarcastic remark.

I was reminded last week, that although these friends of mine are just ordinary people, with a lot of the same hangups and egos and shortcomings as I have inside of me…there is also something very incredibly awe inspiring about their stories, their talents, and their hearts.

So I’m going to post a blog about each and every artist that’s a part of Centricity Music, starting with Downhere.

Do you know this band? If you do, consider yourself richer for the knowledge. Are you in a band or starting one? Get to know these guys’ story, and take notes.
Where most acts are starved for good songwriting, these guys are stocked with two of the best in all of Christian Music. Poets, Preachers, Jesters, Lovers, Servants…these four lads from Canada are laden with their music’s highest honors and not without good reason.
Their albums contain gems like ‘Here I Am’ from their latest (Ending is Beginning), and killer tracks like ‘The More’ off ‘Wide-Eyed and Mystified’.
Take a listen to the Juggernaut Rock Anthem “Protest To Praise” off their self titled album.
Marc Martel’s vocals are unequaled…UNEQUALED…in the sea of mediocrity of current music. You have to go back to the golden age of vocalists like Freddy Mercury or haunted by the sublimity of Jeff Buckley to appreciate the sheer and effortless power.
If it’s not unfair enough that one band would have that kind of talent, this one also has the deep, thoughtful, soulful vocals of Jason Germain…the two sharing singing and songwriting duties. As a fan of Lennon/McCartney it’s not hard to see why I have so much respect for the way these guys plumb the depths of the experience of the believer with such clarity and artistry.
A great live show is tantamount to any true rock band. Without it, you’re only fit for studio wizardry. These guys are phenomenal performers. You have to give credit to their steady and creative rhythm section. Jeremy Thiessen is one of my favorite drummers to watch play live. Always serving the song, he is the epitome of the team player. If you let your guard down though you’ll miss the revelation of his technique. Same goes for Glenn Lavender. His personality shining through his melodic bass grooves…locked in yet leaning and pushing and pulling you to enter into the dance, the sorrow, the yearning of the song.
I got the chance to be on a bus tour with these guys. Each one of them could have me laughing one minute with some crazy, silly story…and the next nanosecond challenge my understanding about the kingdom of God…have my defintions of the words ‘justice’, ‘mercy’ rocked to the core.
I’ve had my stomach punched full force by a smiling Glenn, had an amazing homemade oreo milkshake at Jeremy and Erin’s house while watching football, lamented the state of the music industry with Marc Martel up in the Mountains of Washington, and confessed some of my deepest fears on a drive with Jason…
and yet, I write this with the hands of a true and unabashed fan.
Thanks guys for the music…

to hear, read, and exeperience more…go here:


Filed under Music

Long Overdue Commies

Damaris wins a Commie for being the first ever to comment here.

“First of all, love the blog! Secondly, one of the reasons I love the
Rudolph special is because its about nobodies leaving the ordinary and
changing the world!”

Second one goes to Bulldozer Bobby for this gem of a comment from the Top Ten Christmas Specials :

“What about “White Christmas” with Bing & Danny? That’s a classic.
It comes with sap, songs, choreography, romance, awesome fake
backdrops, military stuff, Vermont, and the Hayne sisters.”

And lastly, Malvis wins one for being such a class act… a former member of Circleslide stopping by to congratulate me on a new guitar…

“Dude that’s great!”

Enjoy your highly deserved awards. The rest of you…keep ’em coming. We love to hear from you.


Filed under Commies

Top 11 Circleslide Moments of 2008

Sunrise Worship CD

In February of ’08 we were invited to be a part of Sunrise Church’s Live Worship CD/DVD “Go Light Your World”. It was a huge honor for us, and a chance to sing a worship tune with an amazing band and incredible gospel choir…that’s just something you can’t pass up. Plus, on the flight from Nasvhille to L.A. and back, we beat all the other passengers at the on flight trivia game…I believe I had the highest score…then Eric and Debbie…but then again…who cares about that, right?

Eric and Libby buy house in Nashville

As some kind of declaration of faith, Eric and Libby packed up their belongings from Seattle and made the huge commitment to move down to Nashville…and purchased a home. After a very rough 2007, Circleslide seemed to be heading towards the fate of many bands who simply fade away. I can’t say enough about the new guys in the band…but particularly this move by this precious couple strengthened my resolve to keep touring and making music like nothing else could. They deserve so much respect and honor for how they conduct themselves…two very cool people.

Church of the Good Shepherd in Whittier, CA

Packed house. Everyone singing every word to every song at the top of their lungs. Pastor Sam, introducing me as a mix between James Brown and Springsteen and then, during ‘Morning Star’ coming up on stage and draping me with a cape just like the Godfather of Soul’s band used to do…simultaneously hilarious and humbling…absurd and sublime…this was one of those shows that we, as a band, knew was special when we were up on stage. Very hard to top this one.

morning show el paso

In ’07 the good people of el paso woke up to Circlelside handling their weather report…in ’08…they woke up to a full band onslaught…as we blasted through 4 or 5 of our most rock-n-roll tunes from 5 am to 7 am on KDBC…in between reports about traffic, politics and Lindsay Lohan.  Great fun.
the roxy

There’s nothing like unloading your gear on the sunset strip, hustling for parking, sharing the stage with 4 other bands, and sweating and bleeding trying to win a cynical crowd over at such a legendary club.  It was a blur, and before we knew it—it was over…but it was fantastic. When other club owners started trying to book us for that week…we knew we’d done our job.

Opening for Todd Agnew in New Mexico

It was remarkable to watch Todd opening his heart to the crowd in Carlsbad, New Mexico…he taught us that before you can be honest with yourself, or an audience, you have to be honest before God. A gracious guy who does a killer version of U2’s ‘When Love Comes To Town’…and the fact that there were a sea of Circleslide T-shirts in the crowd was a huge cherry on top to such a cool experience.

demos with Gabe Wilson/John Mays

Can’t begin to say how good it felt to be back in the studio, working with the new guys on new songs…even if we were only cutting demos. Maybe you heard some of them on the road, ‘the turning’, ‘immortal’, ‘flowers fade’…it sort of felt like starting over…and it sort of felt like coming home…hard to express all the mixed emotions. I’m just grateful that we had great people working with us, like Gabe Wilson from ‘The Listening’ and John Mays from Centricity…a blast working with both of them.

Playing for 10,000 on 4th of July

Portage, Michigan. We had no idea when we were setting up for that concert how many would show up. We were headlining a brand new event celebrating the fourth of July, and there were some great artists before us and a huuuge fireworks display after us…but when we took the stage, there was a sea of people everwhere…and it turned out to be the largest audience ever for a Circleslide Concert. Bigger than when we opened for Casting Crowns.  When the police gave their report it was set at 10,000 people. It felt like more. We knew it was insane when the Mayor of Portage came and found us and said he couldn’t believe how many people were there…and invited us back. We’ll see…but still…the looks on our faces on stage must have been funny…I think I kept looking over at Eric and Jonathan and mouthing, “this is crazy!”

playing for 200 prisoners

that same week, 200 prisoners were allowed, because of good behaviour, to see us perform inside Coldwater Prison. It took hours just to walk our gear through the 4 or 5 different checkpoints…but it was so worth it to see these men singing with us, and with tears in their eyes, worshipping the Lord with us. We were nervous with all the high security, but after the concert, it was surreal and poignantly safisfying to see the guards and the prisoners helping us load out our gear together, laughing, sharing stories…best concert of ’08 for me…not even a close second.

signing with artist garden management

Again, 2008 was a year of rebuilding for Circleslide, and nothing signified that process better than the signing of new management, Artist Garden Entertainment headed up by Keith and Diana Stancil.  With all their years of experience in the music business they’re also bringing us a new sense of hope and joy for what it is we do…and that is priceless. We can’t thank them enough for the encouragement and support we’ve received from them during these last few months of ’08. We’re looking forward to 2009.

Seeing you on the road

The best moments for us, have to be when we get the chance to meet the people who enjoy our music out on the road. When we get a chance to shake your hand and have you tell us what you enjoyed the most…what song you wished we’d played…how far you had to drive to see us perform…displaying that ‘vintage’ Circleslide shirt from a time long ago…introducing us to your friend who’d never heard us before but who now follows us on Facebook and Twitter…hearing you tell us about how a song inspired you to pray, or helped you somehow in your relationship with God or with others…when you bought that extra CD or poster because you knew gas prices were high and you just wanted to help us get down the road…or when you got Debbie to sign your shirt
cause you knew you’d get more for it later on ebay, ha!….or when you got the band together to pray and bless our journey…when you took us out to eat at the local dive, or burger stand…when you let us crash at your house and let us eat your bread…when we’re backstage and the lights are out and we hear you ready to sing along…that’s what makes everything we do a joy and a privilege and a marvel.
You inspire us more than we could ever inspire you.
It’s been a pleasure…we hope to see you again in 2009.
God Bless You.

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