Tag Archives: The Listening

Entertaining Angels

You never know how long you might have.
We can’t discern how long a friendship may last…or how much time we’ll have to spend with the ones we love…family, spouses.

As the flaming lips sang,

“do you realize…
that everyone you know, someday will die…
and instead of saying all of your goodbyes
let them know you realize that life goes fast
it’s hard to make the good things last…”

Lately, we’ve been covering a song by the Common Children called “Entertaining Angels”

the lyrics are a reflection of a day coming to an end…a desire to make time stand still for a moment in order to appreciate all that is happening around us…especially when we’re made aware of a stirring, an awakening to the grace that’s been given us at any particular minute or second of the day…you never know who you might be spending your time with.

My friend Gabe Wilson and his wife Elisa are moving to Oregon this week. Jon and I helped Gabe load up their belongings and said our goodbyes.

I first met Gabe at a retreat for artists held by Porter’s Call. I’d already admired the guy for his work with the “Rock-n-Roll Worship Circus” and ‘The Listening’…he and I met sometime later for lunch. We talked for about an hour, discussed the possibility of working together on a project, perhaps writing together. When we were leaving Gabe said something I’ll never forget, “hey man, let’s get together again, and it would be great to get to know you without you giving me the ‘press release’ version of your story.”


that stung. but it was so true. I’d spent the hour spinning. editing. trying to impress. trying to be cool.
Here was a guy who saw through the crap, and was offering me a chance to be myself.

As the past couple of years have passed…I got that chance to write with Gabe. He also worked on some demos of new songs. During that time, I was able to be myself. To tell him my story. I remembered what it meant to have real communion, real fellowship with a fellow believer…a fellow pilgrim. To let down my guard every once and a while.

I thought about that as I carried lamps and boxes out of his now empty house into his trailer.

It’s not often that someone sees you being fake, and yet invites into a second chance to be real.

I guess I took it for granted that He and his wonderful wife would always be around here, in nashville…and I let a lot of opportunities for fellowship fall through the cracks.

I hope I can learn to treasure the precious opportunities I have for friendship in the future.

Until then, here’s to a couple of friends and their upcoming new addition to their family. May God’s grace keep you always.

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Filed under Friendship

What we’re up to…

Rehearsing. Rehearsing. Rehearsing.
Getting ready for the first concert of ’09 in Louisville, Kentucky.
New Life church…should be fun as there are so many friends there from my YWAM days.

Today we’re going to be helping ‘Feed The Children’ here in Nashville as they participate in President-Elect Obama’s call for today to be a ‘day of service’. I’ll try and get some info on that later on today.

Between writing new material, rehearsing old material, getting gear up and running, repairing old guitars, making sure the van and trailer are still road worthy…deciding on how to tell Debbie we should name our firstborne “Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger III”…i’ve barely had any time to even breathe. (Ok, I have snuck in a bit of the NFL playoffs and a Spurs game…but I paid for it later)

But I thought I’d let you in on what I’ve been reading lately:

1776 by David Mccullough

having thoroughly enjoyed “John Adams”, I had to get what is considered that work’s companion. Great read if you love American History as told through the letters and writings of the people who were there.

Watchmen by Alan Moore and David Gibbons

wanted to read this thing before making up my mind about seeing the film. A complete suprise, and revelation…truly original. Not for everybody…a bit controversial. But still, as far as graphic novels go…it’s amazing.

Orthodoxy by GK Chesterton

There was a time, on this journey of faith that I’m on, where I felt that “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis helped me put words to what it was that I believed. I was much younger then. If that book was a drink of water…then this is a sublime glass of wine. Quirky and sometimes a bit messy…I understand why the title is actually “Orthodoxy: The Romance Of Faith” great, great read.

Listening to:

Strong Hand Of Love a tribute to Mark Heard (Various Artists)

Long lost Treasure trove of songs that have made their home in my heart and head. I’m so glad I re-discovered this collection featuring Artists like, The Choir, Vigilantes Of Love, Buddy and Julie Miller, and Rich Mullins covering Mark Heard. As far as songwriters writing about their faith (or lack thereof) there are few braver, more willing to stand naked or better masters of words.

Dreams Of The Color Blind by Harrod & Funck

this Boston based duo were often compared to Simon and Garfunkel and with good reason. This debut album is full of acoustic, stripped down fare…with wonderful harmonies. Produced by Mark Heard. I see a trend here.

Transmission #1 by The Listening

Gabe Wilson and Company retool their sound, and lineup…but the music still delivers. Feels like it was written and recorded somewhere in Europe…dark, mysterious, worshipful, phenomenal. Great EP.


Filed under Books, Circleslide Update, Music