Tag Archives: Great is thy faithfulness

from darkness to light…

Great is Thy Faithfulness, O God my Father;

There is no shadow of turning with thee;

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel. We drove to our concert in Maine in a brand new van.

It’s been a rough three weeks. I’ve been reminded of past lessons, found in places like 2 Corinthians chapter four verses 16-18:

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.

For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”

After a grueling trek back to West Virginia to return the rental truck…we said goodbye our old van. I know it was only a machine…but after spending most of the last 7 years of my life inside of it…it felt like saying goodbye to a family member. Sentimentality is one of my weaknesses…and in the tradition of fight club…we gave it a name in death…presley.img_0549

‘presley grey–goodnight, sweet prince’*


We gathered up belongings left behind…and we drove the rental car back to New Hampshire. I was feverish…strep throat…my common advesary when i don’t get enough sleep…was fighting me again.

But we made it, with a few naps here and there, back to Concord, NH. And over the weekend, some amazing people had decided to help us towards getting the van. That’s really all I can say. Gifts have been coming in the mail, some from friends, some from strangers…even up here at the Camp. We’ve been driven to tears by the generosity.

And on Tuesday afternoon…we drove off the lot in a silver 2009 Chevy Express 3500. Debbie says it’s got ‘Spurs’ Colors’. A happy coincidence.


We were both too exhausted and sick to really enjoy the moment. Typical. But when we pulled over on our way to Maine for the first gas fill up…right by Kennebunkport–of all places—I was overcome with gladness, awe, amazement, disbelief, and praise for this moment. We were in a new van. Our God provided. We thought we might have to cancel these shows…go back to nashville…and re-think it all…but we’re still here. We’re still fighting. We’re still kicking and screaming our way to the finish line. We haven’t yet finished our race. We may be on our knees…but that’s how battles are won…that’s the way to get the attention of God…he gives grace to the humble.

We don’t deserve this new van, not by a long shot. I know my temper has been shorter these past few weeks…my desire to wallow in self pity has been insatiable. But in all this, I’ve seen this band, including Debbie…refuse to give up on worshipping the Lord…a no-surrender attitude in Trusting in Him…Eric fasted for about a week…we prayed together…we believed God would provide…and He did. Great is his faithfulness…indeed.


Some of you have expressed an interest in giving towards this new van. You can email us at circleslide@bellsouth.net for more info…thank you, so much.

*(goodnight sweet prince is a sarcastic internet meme…just in case you thought i was getting carried away)


Filed under Circleslide Van Update